2023 Recruitment
Bella Coola Valley Search and Rescue is hosting an open house on May 9th from 6-8 PM at our base located next to the Hagensborg Post Office, and we’d love to see you there! We Read more…
Bella Coola Valley Search and Rescue is a group of about 35 dedicated volunteers who provide a vital lifeline to those who are lost or injured in the valley and surrounding area. Volunteers provide assistance to the RCMP, the BC Coroner, and BC Ambulance with:
Volunteers must spend a great deal of time training in order to ensure that a search and rescue task is completed successfully. We currently focus on ground search and rescue and are working toward a fully functional swift-water rescue team.
Bella Coola Valley Search and Rescue is registered as a not-for-profit society with an executive board of 5 members. As of 2019, the only sustained funding for our group comes from Emergency Management BC (EMBC), disbursed by BC Search and Rescue Association (BCSARA).
If you are concerned about a friend or family member who is missing, overdue, or possibly injured, please call the Bella Coola RCMP. We can only be dispatched via the Police, Fire, or Ambulance service. They will make the decision to call us. We would rather be called sooner than later; we don’t mind being turned back when the person shows up without incident!
Bella Coola Valley Search and Rescue is hosting an open house on May 9th from 6-8 PM at our base located next to the Hagensborg Post Office, and we’d love to see you there! We Read more…
In an effort to keep members safe, BCVSAR will be postponing this year’s AGM, GSAR classes, and regular practices until it is deemed safe to continue. Thanks for your understanding.
Info and question session will be held in the boardroom at the Nusatsum Elementary School on: Dec. 10th from 7-9 pm. ● Must be 19 years old or older ● No experience necessary, but a Read more…
If you are concerned about a friend or family member who is missing, overdue, or possibly injured, please call the Bella Coola RCMP. We can only be dispatched via the Police, Fire or Ambulance service. They will make the decision to call us. We would rather be called sooner than later; we don’t mind being turned back when the person shows up without incident!
For All Non-Emergency Inquiries: